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About: Lego Ninjago Skybound

Prepare for an epic adventure in the world of Ninjago with "Ninjago: Skybound," a thrilling platform game where the fate of NINJAGO Island hangs in the balance. The notorious Djinn Nadakhan has stolen parts of the island to construct his own kingdom, Djinjago, in the sky. As Jay, one of the brave Ninjagos, you must utilize your mastery of Spinjitzu and employ stealth and sneak attack techniques to save your friends and restore balance to the land.

How to play 

The dynamic platforming experience provided by Ninjago: Skybound highlights the distinctive capabilities and prowess of the Ninjagos. What to anticipate from the game is as follows:

  • Stealth and Sneak Attacks: Jay has great stealth abilities and the capacity to launch potent sneak attacks. To navigate the dangerous settings, stealthily dispatch opponents, and advance through each level unnoticed, use your agility and ingenuity.
  • Spinjitzu Techniques: A martial technique that uses the power of spinning, Spinjitzu, is the foundation of Ninjago's strength. Use destructive Spinjitzu attacks to take down opponents, get through barriers, and open the way to triumph. As you advance, new Spinjitzu skills that improve your combat skills become available to you.
  • Rescue Your Friends: In Ninjago: Skybound, your goal is to save your fellow Ninjagos, Zane, Nya, Lloyd, Cole, and Kai, who have been taken advantage of by Djinn Nadakhan's evil plan. Working together, use your special talents to set them free and bring the Ninjago heroes back together.
  • Rebuild NINJAGO Island: Parts of NINJAGO Island have been taken by Djinn Nadakhan so that he can build his own heavenly kingdom. Your responsibility is to recapture the area that was taken and bring NINJAGO Island back to its original splendor. Rebuild the destroyed kingdom by navigating various landscapes, solving riddles, and squaring off against powerful enemies.

Thrilling Quest and Progression:

The objective and progression system in Ninjago: Skybound is interesting and keeps players interested throughout the adventure. Here are some intriguing aspects to anticipate:

Heroic Strength: Jay will become stronger as you play the game and acquire new special skills. Enhance your hero's abilities and discover strong moves to defeat foes and obstacles that are harder and harder to defeat.

Sky Pirates and Djinn Nadakhan: The Djinn Nadakhan-led sky pirates are a formidable threat to you the entire way. Go head-to-head with their armies, outwit their tactics, and show that you are a true ninja warrior.

Engaging Storyline: Follow the heroes' mission to save NINJAGO Island as you become engrossed in a compelling narrative. Discover secrets, take part in triumphant moments, and see the Ninjagos mature as they take on evil powers.

Collectibles and Rewards: As you explore each level, find hidden collectibles and unlock rewards. These treasures could offer practical improvements, upgrades, or decorative things, giving the game depth and replay value.


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